
Nice to meet you!

I’ve cut my teeth as a designer grappling with juicy problems like diversifying pathways into STEM careers for non-traditional candidates and helping learners develop media literacy skills by evaluating sources and identifying bias. A throughline of my work has been increasing equity in access to educational and career opportunities for everyone.

Nine years of teaching gave me a deep understanding of how people engage with new, complex information and what they need to effectively engage, absorb, and utilize it. This experience, coupled with my expertise in accessible design, allows me to create frictionless digital environments that successfully serve diverse user groups.

Resume (pdf)

Accessibility commitment

I have aspired to follow accessibility best practices as defined by Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), including the following considerations:

  • Navigation and heading structures are optimized for screen reader access

  • Alternative text descriptions are provided for all images

  • Closed captions are available for all videos

  • Colors, typefaces, and styles have been selected for readability

If you encounter any accessibility or usability barriers as you engage with this content, please contact me.


Protecting Human Research Participants

PHRP Online Training, Inc. Credential ID: 2621819

Mar 2018 - present

Massachusetts Educator Licensure

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Credential ID: 435913

2009 - 2019